Executive Coaching

In today’s competitive and ever-changing world of business and industry, managers and leaders need to work in an increasingly and continuously challenging environment. To meet these challenges, one needs new perspectives, skill sets and modes of behavior. Executive coaching engagement will help the coachee to achieve all of this. The aim of executive coaching is to transform the quality of an executive’s working and personal life through sustained behavioral change. Executive Coaching is primarily concerned with designing and facilitating change and continuous improvement. It involves understanding and leveraging an individual’s strengths and recognizing and overcoming their weaknesses. Executive coaching sessions frequently deal with interpersonal effectiveness, leadership development, personal change, and transformation with a strong focus on various facets of the coachee’s behavior. Executive Coaching is meant for an organization’s CEO or senior executives who are doing well in their current roles but need to address a few critical capability gaps through a personal change to be able to take on leadership positions.

The coaching framework is based on Egan’s Skilled Helper Model, popular in counseling or coaching situations where the object is to achieve lasting change and empower people to manage their problems more effectively and develop unused opportunities more fully.

 The model has three stages which can be summarized as:

  • Exploration – What is going on? .. (Story- New Perspective- Leverage)
  • Challenging – What solutions make sense to me (Possibilities- Change agenda- Commitment)
  • How might I achieve what I want? (Possible Strategies- Best Fit- Plan)